A downloadable game

The Heron, the Raven and the Crow

"The most important things in life are those of which that are not in clear sight."

A Message From the "Director"


"The Heron, the Raven and the Crow is an anthology of the idea of communication and love languages. Besides the obvious callback to a jam prior, the name of the game being bird-centric is intentional. In time immemorial, birds have represented ideas of optimism- from representing new beginnings to freedom- spirit and transition. What more fitting fauna could be used to represent not only pride, but also the stories within the anthology?

Each story is based on a bird in particular, with their connection ranging from obvious to '...why?' But I can assure you: each one is tied to a particular bird for a reason. And although the reasons may seem strange, if one is to look to esoteric mythos and the culture of days bygone, begat to decay, you will find the answers.

Or perhaps the answers lie within the annals of space and time. The great thing about storytelling is that you can tell a narrative- and people can recognize that narrative- but people will have their own headcanons and thoughts and interpretations of your work. That's the beauty of writing. It's an expression for not only yourself, but the reader.

And so, I hope you all enjoy this heartfelt anthology, and I hope it leaves some questions that can be answered without external research-

all one must do is look inside."

- Saishoo


The Heron, the Raven and the Crow is an anthology collection based on the tales of Sagume Kishin, Utsuho Reiuji, and Hecatia Lapislazuli. Additional mysteries lie within that have to be discovered- but what is for certain is the triple meaning of the game's name.

With the greatest pleasure brought to you by our fantastic team, we would like to present you a slice of life from several of Gensokyo's residents, spanning the pure moon, the bright sky, and the reflective sea.

Team Members


Cloudie [ARTIST]

CommanderKappa [ARTIST]

Kishinjou [ARTIST - WRITER]


slascoplerdsorasu - [ARTIST / CONCEPT ARTIST]


MegatonAnimal [WRITER]

historyleaf [PROGRAMMER] 


RubenSkyline [MUSICIAN]

BigGayDinosaur [MUSICIAN]

falto [MUSICIAN]


Additional Credits

Anoalocaris - [TRANSLATOR]


StarRiderMa - [TESTER]



I'm so sorry about the heavily delayed release, so many issues occurred in the first week of the jam, and then my laptop exploded.

- Saishoo


HeronRavenCrow-1.0-mac.zip 293 MB
HeronRavenCrow-1.0-pc.zip 298 MB

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